Ernst and Grassley Respond to Seclusion and Restraint in Schools Report

U.S. Senators Joni Ernst and Chuck Grassley are pushing the U.S. Department of Education to immediately take action to ensure seclusion and restraint data is reported accurately.

U.S. Dept. of Ed to Investigate Sexual Assault Linked to School’s Transgender Policy

The U.S. Department of Educationā€™s Office for Civil Rights announced that it will investigate a complaint filed against the City Schools of Decatur on behalf of a kindergartener who was sexually assaulted in her school bathroom by a boy who identified as “gender fluid.”

Report: Federal Employees Have 99.47% Chance of Never Being Fired for Cause

The Americans for Limited Government Foundation released a report that found rampant abuse and inefficiency within the Federal government bureaucracy.

White House Reorganization Plan Includes Merger of ED and Labor Departments

The Trump Administration released a federal government reorganization plan that includes a merger of the Education and Labor Departments, as well as, other streamlining proposals.

Why the Common Core is Wrong for Iowa

Therefore it is imperative that parents, grandparents, and taxpayers call for the review of the Common Core that was enfolded into the Iowa Core!

Arne Duncan’s Latest Education Power Grab from States

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan wants to phase out the authority of States to define modified academic achievement standards and develop alternate assessments.

The NEA Must Be Scared About Iowa U.S. Senate Race

The NEA (National Education Association) just spent $550 K on an ad buy against Joni Ernst. They must worried about the outcome of Iowa’s U.S. Senate race.

U.S. DOE “Resolves” Treatment of Transgender Student in California School

Downey Unified School District after a complaint was made about the treatment of a transgender student enters agreement with the U.S. Dept. of Education.

Arne Duncan Seeks to Ensure Equal Distribution of School Resources

Arne Duncan announced guidance for school districts & states on what the USDED will consider economic and racial disparity in schools and how to fix it.

Bobby Jindal Sues U.S. Dept. of Education Over Common Core

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Dept. of Education for pushing the Common Core State Standards and assessments on states.

Schools Firing Talented, Experienced Teachers

Federal programs are failing the teaching profession once again using a bull dozer to solve a small problem with the constraints that tenure put on firing some teachers.

Obama Administration Seeks to Federalize Teacher Preparation

If the Obama administration successfully federalizes teacher-prep programs, competition based on achievement will be removed from the educational system.

Chuck Grassley Leads Effort to Defund Common Core in U.S. Senate

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) is leading an effort to defund the Common Core State Standards at the federal level and asking his colleagues to join him.

Iowa Races to the Early Childhood Trough

The State of Iowa’s application for a Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge grant opens up Iowa to Federal involvement in early childhood education.

What Data Does the Iowa Department of Education Collect?

The Iowa Department of Education provides information about what type of student data they collect and share.

Chuck Grassley: Fed Involvement in Common Core Undermines Federalism

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) in a Pioneer Institute/American Principles Project white paper criticized the federal coercision present with the Common Core.