Caffeinated Thoughts Radio 3-28-15

Shane Vander Hart and Brian Myers talk to 2012 Iowa Caucus winner Rick Santorum and Jenifer Bowen of Iowa Right to Life on Caffeinated Thoughts Radio.

Iowa Supreme Court Blocks Webcam Abortion Ban

The Iowa Supreme Court placed a stay on Judge Farrell’s decision allowing the Iowa Board of Medicine ban on webcam abortions while the lawsuit proceeds.

Judge Upholds Iowa Board of Medicine Webcam Abortion Ban

Polk County District Court Judge Jeffrey Farrell ruled in favor of the Iowa Board of Medicineā€™s decision in August of 2013 to ban webcam abortions.

2014 Iowa Political Survey Results

Ernst leads Braley and Hieb edges out Branstad in a recent Caffeinated Thoughts reader survey of likely Iowa voters on different races and issues of concern in the state.

What Iowa Senators Won’t Hear from Planned Parenthood of the Heartland

Tomorrow, at the Iowa State Capitol, it is the annual “Planned Parenthood…