Mosque at Ground Zero: Offering of Peace or Symbol of Conquest? By Judy Shedlock First we overlooked the travesty of the Shanksville, Pennsylvaniaā¦ Caffeinated ThoughtsAugust 19, 20102 minute read
Pelosi Wants GZ Mosque Opposition Investigated Speaker Nancy Pelosi was interviewed yesterday on KCBS radio in San Francisco,ā¦ Shane Vander HartAugust 18, 20101 minute read
NY Gov Paterson to Meet with GZ Mosque Developers; Concerned About Obama/Bloomberg Involvement It looks like the story broken by may be accurate, butā¦ Shane Vander HartAugust 18, 20102 minute read
Muslim Leaders to Abandon Plans for WTC Mosque From Haaretz: Sources in New York said on Monday that Muslim religiousā¦ Shane Vander HartAugust 17, 20102 minute read
Sarah Palin: Legitimate Questions for the President By Sarah Palin Mr. President, should they or should they not buildā¦ Caffeinated ThoughtsAugust 14, 20101 minute read
President Obama Backs WTC Mosque Following Established Pattern of Tone Deafness Does this really surprise anyone? President Obama supporting a mosque that 68%ā¦ Shane Vander HartAugust 14, 20101 minute read
Muslim Victim of 9/11 No to WTC Mosque She doesnāt want the World Trade Center Mosque to be built? Sheā¦ Shane Vander HartAugust 8, 20102 minute read
World Trade Center Mosque Approved This morning the final hurdle (well it least with the go aheadā¦ Shane Vander HartAugust 3, 20102 minute read