New Book Brings Political Right, Left and Center Together to Stop Common Core

Resounding Books officially announced publication of Common Ground on Common Core an 18-essay volume from twenty top education experts and activists.

Wurman: Common Core Slows American Students’ Math Progression

Ze’ev Wurman, author of a new paper and former senior adviser at U.S. Department of Education, says Common Core Math slows down studentsā€™ math progression.

Study Finds Common Core State Standards Not Properly Validated

Some Common Core Validation Committee members refused to attest that the standards are comparable to those in the world’s highest-performing countries.

Six Reasons Why Conservatives (Should) Object to the Common Core

Kathleen Porter-Magee and Sol Stern ask in the National Review why conservatives object to the Common Core State Standards. Here are six reasons.

Common Core Science Standards–Who Needs Math?

The Boston Herald, not a conservative or limited government bastion by any…