Update: For those of you who are still having issues… I’m not sure why this poll is not loading correctly when you use Internet Explorer.  It does load correctly using Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.  I’m currently using the WordPress plugin for this called, WP-Polls, so if anybody has any suggestions please email me.  I’d switch to Sodahead, but it doesn’t allow as many options and I want to keep the results a secret until the poll closes.   Anyway, if you have Firefox and Chrome use those.  I don’t know how it loads with Safari, if somebody could let me know I’d appreciate it.

2nd Update: Also when you answer the first question, refresh the page so the second question will load.

If you’re getting frustrated, let me tell you I feel your pain.  Just take a deep breath and remember this is just an online straw poll.

Just for fun, we at Caffeinated Thoughts are curious. Who do you favor as the Republican nominee for President if your caucus/primary was held today? Be sure to vote below. The straw poll will end on April 22, 2011 and we’ll announce the results on our Facebook page so be sure to like us there or with Facebook box in the sidebar.  We want you just to vote, not leave commentary so we are turning the comments section off (trackbacks are allowed).  Feel free to share with your friends, and remember this isn’t Chicago so only vote once.

3rd Update: Our poll is closed and the results will be announced on our Facebook page.  At 5:30a we’ll share the results of who is the 2nd choice of those who participated.  At 6:00a we’ll announce the results of participants’ first choice.

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