I’m not going to liveblog the results, but thought I’d open this up for those who would like to comment.  As of 7:43p (CST) with 5.8% of the precincts reporting (306/5233 precincts) Rick Santorum is up 39.8% to Romney’s 39.0%… nothing to get excited about yet.  This will probably be a late night.

Be sure to check out the heat map of the action tonight here.


It wouldn’t be shocking, but again proving he’s a Romney hack Matt Drudge declares victory for Santorum before any votes are counted… and I believe the polls are still open.  Here’s the screen shot.  the exit poll link, he links to himself.


Nate Silver of The New York Times says Michigan is going to be too close to call with the momentum shifts.  Here are the five counties to watch.  The big news of the day via Memorandum is the Santorum robo call to Michigan Democrats, causing Romney to whine about the very tactic he himself has used.

If he were a stronger candidate he wouldn’t have to worry about things like this.  It’s good strategy.  I’m sure he’s just disappointed he didn’t think of it first.  Oh wait, I do remember that he was the beneficiary of such tactics in New Hampshire.


So what’s on your mind?  What do you think about the Santorum robocall?

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