Following up on yesterday’s post “no theological virtues, no political order“.  Chuck Colson in God & Government has made the case that society cannot survive without a vital religious influence, but will any religion do?  Colson says no.

I believe as a matter of faith and intellect that the Judeo-Christian religion must be that transcendent base.  But – and I cannot emphasize this too strongly – even if I did not, I would still argue that Christianity is the only religious system that provides for both individual concerns and the ordering of society with liberty and justice for all.  A creed alone is not enough, nor is some external law code.

If Christianity were merely another creed, it would have no superior claim over Hinduism and Buddhism, for example.  Or if it were merely another prescriptive order for society, it would have no advantage over Islam.  Instead, Christianity alone, as taught in Scripture and announced in the Kingdom context by Jesus Christ, provides both a transcendent ordering of society without the repressive theocratic system of Islam.

What do you think?

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