Strive To Be Ruled, Not Rule

Shane Vander Hart: As a Christian strives to be ruled by God, not rule, that should make a marked difference in how we approach politics and life.

Pitfalls of the Church’s Involvement in Politics

Shane Vander Hart: The late Chuck Colson offers three pitfalls in the political realm for the Church and individual believers if they are not wary.

Vander Hart: Are Churches Who Don’t Exercise Civil Disobedience Spineless?

Shane Vander Hart: Civil disobedience is not something that should be taken lightly and is a matter of conscience for every Christian, pastor, and church.

Easter and the Greatest Political Question of Our Time

Jenna Ellis: We can’t accurately answer the question of “who do you say government is?” without answering “who do you say Jesus is?” first.

The Des Moines Register Wants to Muzzle Free Speech in Churches

The Des Moines Register does not want to see the Johnson Amendment lifted which muzzles many churches and pastors from speaking out politically at church.

We Live In Eternity

One of evangelicalismā€™s dilemmas during the late 20th and early 21st centuries has been to define the relationship between church and state.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Religion the Bedrock of a Strong Nation

Brian Myers: For Witherspoon, the truth of the gospel was not only vital to the Christian faith, but it was necessary to the very foundation of a nation.

Two Kingdoms: Church-State Relations

Reformed Churches from a Dutch background have faced many choices over the…

John Murray: Church and Politics

Scottish-born Reformed theologian, John Murray (1898-1975), who taught at Princeton Seminary and…

Church and State: Clear and Distinct Roles

My post yesterday reminded me of the tension that exists between conflicting…

Some Connecticut Lawmakers Drinking Kool-Aid

Did you hear what the Connecticut Legislature’s Committee on Judiciary tried to…

The Christian Right and the Poor

Conservatives, in particular, conservative Christians get a bad rap from our “progressive”…

Not Just Any Religion Will Do

Following up on yesterday’s post “no theological virtues, no political order“.  Chuck…

No Theological Virtues, No Political Order

Chuck Colson quotes Russell Kirk in God & Government.  Kirk claims: Although…

Kingdoms in Conflict

I started reading God & Government: An Insider’s View on the Boundaries…