Blogging is something that is gaining popularity every day. People across the world are posting their thoughts, feelings, ideas, pictures, and videos for the planet to view. However, starting a blog and maintaining it with current posts are two separate things entirely. Most people have the best of intentions when they register their first blog post, yet for many reasons don’t keep it up to date. That is the reason for BLOGOFF: No “No Post” November.

In order to get back into blogging we feel that some blog owners need a jump start to their site. With that in mind we are setting up a challenge to all bloggers: write a post every day for the month of November. We think that this will get people to dust the cobwebs off of their blog and make it more of a discipline.

Here are the rules:

  1. You must post a blog entry every day of November (including weekends).
  2. You may not just reference a photo or a video, there must be a minimum of one paragraph written.
  3. You may not blog about blogging.
  4. Getting others to take part in the BLOGOFF gives you 10,000 points/person (points don’t really mean anything, though)

You may write about whatever you want, however one post a week must meet the following theme schedule:

  • Week One: Politics
  • Week Two: Religion
  • Week Three: Sexuality
  • Week Four: Money

If you decide to meet this challenge, let us know and we will post (and repost) your site on ourBLOGOFF list so others will read your blog (which will give you more inspiration to write). We hope this is a great time of inspiration, thought, and revelation.

– The BLOGOFF Committee

Update:  I neglected to mention that this wasn’t my brain child – got to give credit to Brandon Barker.

    2nd Update – don’t forget to check out the growing list of bloggers below.


Here are a list of the current bloggers involved in BLOGOFF.

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