Andy Coticchio tagged me in this meme.  It has been awhile since I’ve been tagged in a meme.   The meme rules are go to the book closest to you that has at least 123 pages.  Go to the fifth sentence and post three sentences.

I’m downstairs right now, and am sitting my bookcases so that would be hard.  I decided instead to use the book I’m currently reading – Jesus Wants To Save Christians by Rob Bell and Don Golden.

We have so much, while others have so little.  Guilt is not helpful.  Honesty is helpful.

I am not the biggest Rob Bell fan, but I do think he has many worthwhile things to say.  I certainly do not agree with all of his conclusions and do feel he takes liberty in his interpretation of New Testament passages based on his reading of rabbinic literature.  I appreciate his passion for helping those who are in poverty though.  Anyway haven’t thrown this book across the room yet like I did Velvet Elvis (I don’t believe in just reading books I know I agree with – it is good to be stretched).

Anyway, I am supposed to tag five victims, I mean friends, so I’m tagging…

    I would appreciate if those tagged would link to this post, and leave a comment or pingback when you put your post up so we can read what you wrote.
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