I found this graph over at the Abstinence Clearinghouse Blog.  Graph numbers provided by the Centers for Disease control and Government Accounting Office.  Graph created from those numbers by Dr. William A Duncan.  Click on the graph to view a larger one.

Keith Deltano the author of the blog post wrote the type of questions that I think this graph just begs for.

1.  The above graph shows the teen pregnancy rate from 1940 through to 2007.  When does the steepest increase of teen pregnancy occur and how does that increase relate to Title X  (contraception/safe sex) funding levels?

2.  Do you think the level of funding that abstinence education received from 1980 until the early 90s was significant enough to have an impact?

3.  Is it safe to say that contraception programs were the dominate approach during the 70s, 80s?

4.  What occured to teen pregnancy rates during the 70s and 80s?

5.  When do teen pregnancy rates start to decline?

6.  When does the steepest decline of teen pregnancy occur and how does that decline relate to the Title V and CBAE (abstinence)  funding levels?

7.  During what time period is contraception funding the ONLY federally funded program on the graph and what happens to teen pregnancy rates during this time?

Hmmmm…. so abstinence doesn’t work proponents of comprehensive sex ed say?  This seems to disprove that.

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