AP via Washington Post reports:

SEOUL, South KoreaNorth Korea said its top court convicted two U.S. journalists and sentenced them to 12 years in labor prison Monday, intensifying the reclusive nation’s confrontation with the United States.

The North’s Central Court tried American TV reporters Laura Ling and Euna Lee during proceedings running from last Thursday to Monday and found them guilty of a "grave crime" against the nation, and of illegally crossing into North Korea, the country’s state-run Korean Central News Agency said.

It said the court "sentenced each of them to 12 years of reform through labor." The KCNA report gave no other details.

So, how will the Obama Administration react?  Will he issue a “strong statement”?  Will he be “deeply concerned”?  Will the Obama Administration realize that they can not be weak with North Korea.  We need leadership.  Not going to hold my breath though.  Doing nothing will just guarantee more of the same.

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