Art and media are the means and bridge over which the current philosophy of the philosophers reaches the general culture.” “Whoever controls the media controls the culture.Francis Schaeffer – How Should We Then Live?

first amendment

When the powers that be no longer control the monopoly of ideas and philosophy being fed to the public, then that power must reinstate itself, many times through tyrannical means, to regain control of all avenues of thought and communication. This is what we are seeing take place in the White House. The lack of control over the communication that is coming from Fox News, talk radio and the blogosphere has the Administration scrambling to out maneuver the news coming from these avenues. Obviously, the First Amendment is under attack. Fear has shut down free speech all over the world and throughout history yet because engaged Americans know this, they are wide awake and ready to stand on the "Free Speech Amendment" of the Bill of Rights.

Jim Vandehei and Mike Allen from Politico are running a two part series to look into this attack on Conservative conversation. They quote Dana Perino, the former White House press secretary to Bush who said, “They won — why don’t they act like it? The more they fight, the more defensive they look. It’s only been 10 months, and they’re burning bridges in a lot of different places." (Vandehei and Allen: Obama Strategy: Marginalize Most Powerful Critics)

Savannah Guthrie, NBC News White House correspondent interviewed President Obama on Wednesday, October 21,2009, and this same evening on Fox, Hannity aired part of the exclusive interview in which Ms. Gutherie questioned Obama saying, "This stir over Fox News….is this working, is it appropriate for the White House to say what is and what is not a news organization?"

Obama responded, "Our advisers simply said that we are going to take media as it comes, and if media is operating basically as a talk radio format that is one thing, and if it is operating as a news outlet, that is another. It’s not something I am losing alot of sleep over."

According to Hannity, this part of the broadcast was omitted from the actual broadcast. Sleep has been lost in the White House.

Mark Davis, columnist and talk show host wrote in his column for Dallas, "So as the current administration dithers over how hard to fight in Afghanistan, the decision has already been made to launch a surge of rhetoric against the sole network that does not dance to the Obama piper."

One would agree that there are much bigger fires to fight for the Obama Administration, but their focus on the area of Free Speech has put a fire in most American hearts. The attack on the First Amendment Rights of Fox News and other organizations, who raise a voice against the policies of this White House, is something that all citizens should have concern over.

Obama and company can’t seem to handle the truth and so they attempt to marginalize by name calling and scare tactics. These are not exactly strong leadership skills, but more like street bully skills. If there is no credibility in the news that comes out of Fox News, then the statement "Be sure, the truth will find you out" should be a relief to the White House. It is a two way avenue, Fox News must report the facts or else the truth of their fact finding will come to light as fraud; however, the White House also must have the same standard of truth and fact finding. There is nothing to fear, when there is nothing to hide. Transparency was one theme that was touted by the Obama campaign, but it appears that being too transparent, or allowing a news organization to help keep one transparent, isn’t good for Presidential appearances. If one is not speeding, then one doesn’t have to fear the State Trooper in the rear view mirror. If the Administration is not "cheating" the American people, then what do they have to fear if any news organization calls into questions the policies being implemented?

Obama is following the play books of dictators who shut down and/or control the media. Apparently he recognizes what Francis Schaffer stated in his book How Should We Then Live? that "Whoever controls the media, controls the culture." The Obama Administration feels as if it is losing control and therefore is clamping down on those whom they haven’t been able to use as their mouth pieces.

putin controls speech cartoon

Note from Shane: I should have done an introductory post for Mary Selby.  She’s a new contributor for Caffeinated Thoughts.  You can read her bio here.  Be sure to say hi, give feedback and make her feel welcome.  I’m thrilled to have her as a contributor!

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