President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, but do you wonder who didn’t quite measure up?  Moonbattery lists some of the nominees below that didn’t quite make the grade comparing to the “accomplishments” of our President who was nominated after only 11 days in office.

  • Chinese Human Rights Activist Hu Jia – imprisoned for campaigning for human rights in the PRC, not as worthy as Barack Hussein Obama.
  • Wei Jingsheng, who spent 17 years in Chinese prisons for urging reforms of China’s communist system. — not as worthy as Barack Hussein Obama. (Not to mention the symbolic value of awarding a Chinese dissident on the 20th Anniversary of the Tianenmen Square Massacre.)
  • Greg Mortenson, founder of the Central Asia Institute has built nearly 80 schools, especially for girls, in remote areas of northern Pakistan and Afghanistan over the past 15 years – not as worthy as Barack Hussein Obama.
  • Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad, a philosophy professor in Jordan who risks his life by advocating interfaith dialogue between Jews and Muslims, also not as worthy as Barack Hussein Obama.
  • Afghan human rights activist Sima Samar. She currently leads the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission and serves as the U.N. special envoy to Darfur and is apparently also not as worthy as Barack Hussein Obama.

I’m so glad they chose President Obama, I mean we wouldn’t want the Nobel Committee using the award to help combat human rights abuses or anything.  I mean these folks’ actions and sacrifice pale in comparison to our President’s noble intentions.

HT: Ace of Spades via Conservatives 4 Palin

Update: Duane Lester at All American Blogger has some more profiles of people who were passed over for this award.

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