I just wanted to take some time for some housekeeping this morning.  New Reformation Press has been a faithful monthly sponsor of Caffeinated Thoughts, and I have certainly appreciated it.  I wanted to highlight a new product that they have this month, the 2009 Apologetics Symposium.  So many within the church do not understand how to defend the faith, and yet we are told in 1 Peter to “always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you,” (1 Peter 3:15, ESV).  This material will help you in that preparation.

A description:

Zion Lutheran Church in Tomball, Texas invited Dr. Rod Rosenbladt and Craig Parton to speak at the 2009 Apologetics Symposium. Their assignment was straightforward: define the apologetic task and give the bedrock foundation for an easily understood defense of the Christian faith.

Lecture Titles:

  1. Why Defend the Faith at All? – Craig Parton
  2. Intro to Apologetics – Rod Rosenbladt
  3. Historical – Legal Apologetics – Craig Parton
  4. What Non Christians Ask – Rod Rosenbladt
  5. Islam, Cults and the New Age – Craig Parton
  6. A Lutheran Defense of the Biblical Gospel – Rod Rosenbladt
  7. Q and A – Rosenbladt and Parton

You can download the first two lectures for free and you can find the whole symposium here.

Also be sure to follow them on Twitter and connect with them on Facebook.

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