The last time I put the plea out was in October, but I thought I’d open it up again:

Maybe you’ve been a reader of blogs, have wanted to contribute to a blog, but didn’t want to deal with putting together your own.  Perhaps you have your own blog, but enjoy writing, but not the blog upkeep aspect.  I’m interested in expanding my base of contributors.  Here’s what I’m looking for:

  • You must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, this blog is written from an evangelical point of view.  We don’t have to agree on all minor points of doctrine (eschatology, baptism, even… Calvinist/Arminian debate, etc.), but do on the major (Lordship of Christ, Triune God, inerrancy/infallibility of Scripture, salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, etc.).  If you can agree with this statement, we’re good in that regard.

  • You need to be conservative (notice I didn’t say Republican) or a conservative libertarian in your political outlook.  Think pro-life and tea party.  Also, this blog is a member of Bloggers for Sarah Palin… so if you don’t like Sarah Palin this probably won’t be a good fit for you (not that you have to post about her).

  • Looking for people who will contribute at least on a weekly basis.  They don’t have to be long posts, but I’d like you to be regular.

  • The theme of the blog is “stimulating musings on the news, politics, culture, life and theology.”  So anything along those lines would be good.  Looking for original content, but cross-posting every once in awhile is ok… but I think somebody who will view this as their primary blogging venue would be ideal.

  • Good written communication skills

And of course be willing to blog for free… you didn’t think this was a job or something?  We do this out of the love of writing and expressing ourselves.  Anyway, if you are interested fill out the form below.  If you have writing samples to upload or a link to an article you’ve written you can share that, but it isn’t required.

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