Tonight Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly discussed our state’s shame for the loophole that exists in our current indecent exposure law.  This was a follow up from Tuesday when O’Reilly discussed it with Kimbery Guilfoyle and Lis Wiehl.  Which you can watch below.

I will update with tonight’s video.  I emailed both of them last week (and I’m sure others did as well) and I’m glad they are bringing national attention to this problem.

Both Kimberly Guilfoyle and Megyn Kelly get it that it doesn’t matter whether the strip club is to be considered a “theater” or not.  Minors should never be allowed to do this.

Representative Chris Rants (R-Sioux City) emailed me today to let me know that he and Representative Rich Anderson (R-Clarinda) (this happened in his district) are drafting an amendment that they believe will close this loophole.  They are currently looking for an appropriate bill to file it with.  I will follow-up on the language of that amendment when it is filed.  Here’s my suggestion for language that should do it.

Also with gubernatorial candidates I’ve now heard from Bob Vander Plaats, Rod Roberts, and now Chris Rants (who is now no longer a candidate).  Why hasn’t former Governor Terry Branstad weighed in on this yet?  Also Governor Chet Culver hasn’t demonstrated any leadership on this yet, but that doesn’t surprise me.

Anyway, if you live in Iowa, be sure to let your legislators know you think the loophole should be closed.

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