image From The Washington Post:

The House ethics committee is preparing to conduct what to amounts to a trial for former House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-N.Y.).

The committee has concluded that Rangel violated House ethics rules and will release a public statement of violation next week.

It has been eight years since the U.S. House of Representatives conducted a similar review — that of former Rep. Jim Trafficant, who was later expelled. It is based on 18 months of investigation into Rangel’s conduct as a member of Congress and how may have used his House position to influence his private business. That investigation has focused on Rangel’s amendment of his financial disclosure forms and his fundraising using official congressional letterhead for a center in his name at City College of New York.

I would suspect that Democrats think this is good for them going into November, makes them look like they are tough on corruptionā€¦ or am I just being too cynical?

Iā€™m not saying this isnā€™t something that should not be done, I just canā€™t help that it is a ā€œcover your buttā€ move by the House Democratic leadership.

If he is found in violation, will they move to expel him or will they just give him a slap on the wrist?  Will there be criminal charges?  Lots of questionsā€¦

This is news that will make the Republicans in New York 15 competing in a primary to face him smile.

More laterā€¦

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