It’s been a long time since I first blogged on how the UN was attacking parental rights through the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) earlier this week announced that those who oppose are very close to having the votes needed to ensure that this treaty is never ratified. This is good news if you don’t remember what is present in this particular treaty.

The email they sent out to supporters of family sovereignty listed what Senators have refused to support S.R. 519:

Sen. Akaka (HI)

Sen. Alexander (TN)

Sen. Baucus (MT)

Sen. Bayh (IN)

Sen. Begich (AK)

Sen. Bennet (CO)

Sen. Bennett (UT)

Sen. Bingaman (NM)

Sen. Boxer (CA)

Sen. Brown (MA)

Sen. Brown (OH)

Sen. Burris (IL)

Sen. Cantwell (WA)

Sen. Cardin (MD)

Sen. Carper (DE)

Sen. Casey (PA)

Sen. Collins (ME)

Sen. Conrad (ND)

Sen. Corker (TN)

Sen. Dodd (CT)

Sen. Dorgan (ND)

Sen. Durbin (IL)

Sen. Feingold (WI)

Sen. Feinstein (CA)

Sen. Franken (MN)

Sen. Gillibrand (NY)

Sen. Goodwin (WV)

Sen. Gregg (NH)

Sen. Hagan (NC)

Sen. Harkin (IA)

Sen. Inouye (HI)

Sen. Johnson (SD)

Sen. Kaufman (DE)

Sen. Kerry (MA)

Sen. Klobuchar (MN)

Sen. Kohl (WI)

Sen. Landrieu (LA)

Sen. Lautenberg (NJ)

Sen. Leahy (VT)

Sen. Levin (MI)

Sen. Lieberman (CT)

Sen. Lincoln (AR)

Sen. Lugar (IN)

Sen. Lemieux (FL)

Sen. McCaskill (MO)

Sen. McConnell (KY)

Sen. Menendez (NJ)

Sen. Merkley (OR)

Sen. Murray (WA)

Sen. Nelson (FL)

Sen. Nelson (NE)

Sen. Pryor (AR)

Sen. Reed (VT)

Sen. Reid (NV)

Sen. Rockefeller (WV)

Sen. Sanders (VT)

Sen. Schumer (NY)

Sen. Shaheen (NH)

Sen. Shelby (AL)

Sen. Snowe (ME)

Sen. Specter (PA)

Sen. Stabenow (MI)

Sen. Tester (MT)

Sen. Udall (CO)

Sen. Udall (NM)

Sen. Voinovich (OH)

Sen. Warner (VA)

Sen. Webb (VA)

Sen. Whitehouse (RI)

Sen. Wyden (OR)


You can take action to contact these Senators to let them know that U.S. law should decide legal questions about American familes, not U.N. law.  They shouldn’t be confused about this.  Let’s make sure that the CRC gets stopped in its tracks.

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