Alaska’s Republicans will have a chance to vote for their nominee.  Joe Miller is taking on incumbent Senator Lisa Murkowski, and they had a debate on Thursday.

Methinks that Murkowski got her head handed to her on a platter, Joe Miller clearly won this debate.

Miller has been endorsed by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Lars Larson, Dr. Christie Eberhardt (President of Alaska Right to Life), and the Tea Party express.  Murkowski has some notable local endorsements and the endorsement of the NRA, she is good on 2nd Amendment rights (it would be impossible to get elected in Alaska otherwise).  There is a definite Tea Party/conservative vs. establishment battle going on here, as Murkowski embodies the Republican establishment in Alaska having been appointed to her seat by her father, former Governor Frank Murkowski (no nepotism there I’m sure!).  Her father was then beat in his primary against Sarah Palin.

It’ll be interesting to see how Tuesday plays out.  I’m pulling for Joe Miller as the true conservative running, color me unimpressed with Senator Murkowski’s overall voting record.

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