image By State Senator Brad Zaun, Republican Congressional Candidate in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District

REASON #2: Congressman Boswell Needs to be Honest with Taxpayers on Healthcare Costs

Every day, we find out more information of what the health care bills passed by Leonard Boswell will cost us. This new law is not only a monumental power grab, it’s a monumental black hole of new federal expenses. And from the beginning, Congressman Boswell hasn’t been honest with the taxpayers as to the real cost of this bill.

First, we had the revelation in May by the CBO that, “oops, the health care bill will actually cost billions more than we estimated.” Now, we have the Chief Actuary for Medicare saying that in no uncertain terms, the “savings” Congress told us about won’t materialize.

Congressman Boswell needs to come clean and be honest with us. If the cost savings that he claimed won’t materialize, there’s only one possible result: taxpayers will have to foot the bill. He can’t continue to have it both ways…promising huge new federal programs but not addressing the huge new federal costs.

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