image From Senator Chuck Grassley’s campaign:

DES MOINES – U.S. Senate candidate Roxanne Conlin should explain the differences, if any, between her previously stated response to illegal immigration and the Obama administration’s reported plan for a large-scale amnesty plan.

It was reported during the primary election that Conlin favors registering more than 10 million illegal immigrants and making them wait an unspecified period to become legalized citizens – code words for amnesty. She also said border fences “don’t work.”

“The administration’s silence on reported plans for a large-scale, de facto amnesty program for illegal aliens through deferred action and parole is disconcerting to most Americans. Just as we need to know what the administration intends to do on this crucial public policy, Iowans need to hear Roxanne Conlin say what she’ll do on this major policy issue and whether she supports amnesty,” said Eric Woolson, a spokesman for Grassley’s re-election campaign. “As things stand, Roxanne Conlin’s plan sounds like nothing but amnesty for illegal immigrants. That’s going to encourage more illegal immigration and dump more problems into the laps of taxpayers.”

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