Does this really surprise anyone?  President Obama supporting a mosque that 68% of Americans are against is just following the same pattern of tone deafness we’ve seen in his administration.

Americans wanted secure borders, supported Arizona’s illegal immigration law, the Obama administration sues an action with which the American people disagree.

President Obama pushed through an unpopular health care reform bill with a mandated insurance provision.  Several states are suing the federal government over it, Missouri overwhelmingly rejected it, and the Administration says, “so what?

Then the overwhelming majority of Americans say we’re on the wrong track.  They are concerned about the spending and government expansion, and yet we have more spending underway.

So instead of pointing out that while what they are doing may be legal, but wrong.  He endorsed it.  If you have been following him this should have been expected.  Want to know where President Obama is going to land on an issue?   See what the majority of Americans believe and then find him on the opposing side.

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