image Des Moines, Iowa – September 27, 2010 -  Polk County Republicans announced today that they will be hosting a free screening of "I Want Your Money" to conservative political leaders and activists. The screening, scheduled at 3:45 PM on Sunday October 15, is co-sponsored by The Iowa Republican ( and The Conservative Reader (, two Iowa-based conservative news and commentary web sites.

"This movie is sparking a valuable debate about our national priorities in government spending, personal responsibility and liberty," said Will Rogers, Polk County Republican Co-chair.  "We hope that showing this movie in Des Moines will help promote that debate here in Central Iowa!"

I WANT YOUR MONEY is an engaging, controversial new documentary film from Director Ray Griggs about the competing economic visions championed by Presidents Reagan and Obama – a duel of speeches, wit, animation and narrative that has audiences laughing, cheering, yelling . . . leaving them in the middle of the national conversation about mounting government debt and deficits, and why it matters.  Screenings to date have been described as "raucus" with an atypical amount of audience participation.

"The immense amount of support we have been receiving from organizations across the country and the attention that I WANT YOUR MONEY has been receiving is showing that this film is hitting a nerve for a lot of Americans," says film director and producer Ray Griggs. "We hope that those attending these screenings will share the central message of the film ‘to limit government spending’ and have a great impact on this election season. After all, it’s our money they are spending."

By utilizing interviews with key leaders of America’s conservative movement – Newt Gingrich, Steve Forbes, Mike Huckabee – movie clips, dramatic portrayals, music, archival footage, graphics and even comedic animation, I WANT YOUR MONEY tells the story in the plainest terms that big government programs have been tried in the past at great moral and financial cost to the nation. California is offered as a case study of the perils America will face should there be no change to our government’s current policies.

WHEN:  Sunday, October 3, 2010
TIME:  3:45 PM
LOCATION:  The Varsity Theatre, 1207 25th Street, Des Moines, Iowa
TICKET PRICE:  FREE.  Register online at

Event Contact: Art Smith, 515-491-8747,

A Free Will Offering Will Be Taken At The Event To Benefit Polk County Republicans.

View the official version of the trailer:

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