imagePOLITICO had an interesting article by Alexander Burns entitled “Right grapples with social ‘truce.’”  He writes, “Social conservative leaders in the Republican Party are coming to grips with a new reality ahead of the 2012 presidential primary: It’s not all about them.”

Mr. Burns, with all due respect, most social conservatives have never thought it was all about them.  In fact I have yet to meet a social conservative who isn’t concerned about fiscal issues.  However we understand that social issues impact fiscal issues.  We also understand that while the economy may drive the 2012 elections, we want a candidate who is not squishy on social issues.  Now I have met fiscal conservatives and social moderates who do believe and have always believed it was all about them.

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels comment that we need “a truce” on social issues was tragic.  Many interpret that to mean surrender and/or apathetic neglect.  That isn’t acceptable, but leading with the economy (as well as energy policy with $5.00/gallon gas prices looming) is palatable.  We feel the pinch as well.

So there is no truce.  While we expect economy to be the focus candidates who believe they can write off social issues will not get a pass.  We want a Reagan conservative, not a milquetoast.

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