Maybe the end of the world really is upon us.  Why?  Because Donald Trump leads in the latest National GOP Rasmussen Poll at 19%.  Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is in second place at 17% and Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee is at 15%.  Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Former Speaker Newt Gingrich are tied for fourth at 9%.  Texas Congressman Ron Paul has 8%, Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty has 5%, and Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has 3%.  Five percent polled like somebody else (Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Gary Johnson, etc.).  Eleven percent polled were undecided.

Some quick thoughts…

It would seem that some are enamored by celebrity and tough talk, but are lacking discernment.  Trump is not a conservative or a Republican even.  He believes and behaves like a Democrat.  Calling for birth certificates and going bankrupt a plethora of times does not qualify one to be President of the United States.

It’s strange to see Governor Huckabee in the third spot as he has been consistently in the top two.  Governor Palin is in fourth, but she hasn’t been as high in the polls lately.  This could be that people are still uncertain that either will run.  If one or both make moves toward running I suspect their poll numbers will increase.

Those who insist that Congressman Paul has a ton of momentum needs to show me where he has polled well in a scientific poll.  Will he do better than in 2008, certainly.  I think how well he does will really depend on who is running by Iowa Caucus time.

Ultimately, we need to take this poll with a grain of salt since we are still a ways out and the electorate is pretty fickle.  So I’m not ready to head to the hills just yet Smile.

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