imageListening to what Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour’s wife, Marsha Barbour, had to say you get the sense that he’s probably not going to run:

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour’s wife says the thought of his running for president "horrifies me" because it would be "a huge sacrifice for a family to make."

"It’s been a lot to be first lady of the state of Mississippi and this would be 50 times bigger," Marsha Barbour told south Mississippi’s WLOX-TV on Thursday.

She’s not the first member of the Barbour family to express reservations about the governor’s possible run for the Republican nomination. One of the Barbours’ adult sons, Sterling, told a magazine editor in an email two weeks ago that he’s a private person and he hopes his father doesn’t run for president.

If his family is that public about it can you imagine what they are saying in private?  Perhaps I was wrong… maybe Governor Mike Huckabee is working on a Barbour endorsement instead of the other way around.  Shocking, I know.

Barbour is going to have to do some major convincing at home.  Obviously if they aren’t on board a campaign would be foolish.

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