You can’t say you weren’t warned.

Weeks before the no fly zone was implemented over the skies of Libya we wrote: How Close are We to War with Libya (Will a No Fly Zone Result in Nation Building?) In it we warned that the no fly zone being debated was only the begining, to be ‘sucessful’, our ill fated adventure in Libya would require boots on the ground.

Army Gen. Carter Ham the general who led the military mission until NATO took over is now saying that due to the stalemated conditions of the Libyan civil war, it is likely that American boots on the ground are required.

The use of an international ground force is a possible plan to bolster rebels fighting forces loyal to the Libyan leader, Ham said at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.

Asked if the U.S. would provide troops, Ham said, “I suspect there might be some consideration of that. My personal view at this point would be that that’s probably not the ideal circumstance, again for the regional reaction that having American boots on the ground would entail.”

Obama is sticking to his story that US troops will not be placed on Libya soil, but has he already broke that promise?

In what should be no surprise to anyone, we currently have CIA teams working covertly in Libya.

According to published accounts, an unknown number of CIA officers, along with British intelligence and special forces counterparts, are working with the Libyan rebels.  The CIA has its own paramilitary component, known as the Special Activities Division.  But what the CIA might be doing in Libya beyond just gathering intelligence is unclear.

American troops heading to Libya? Jack Hunter reacts:

Wow, who could have predicted this? (Besides me, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Justin Amash, Andrew Napolitano, Mike Church, Tom Woods, Dan McCarthy, Pat Buchanan, George Will, George Washington, Charlie Sheen, my dog…). Next we can expect to hear liberals’ explanation of how Obama’s use of “boots on the ground” is very different from Bush’s.

We could add Caffeinated Thoughts to the list of predictors.

Don’t worry, even if troops end up on the ground, it is no war…it is only a kinetic military action.

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