imageBy Rick Santorum

As we mark the 10th anniversary of the despicable acts of violence against thousands of innocent Americans, we more importantly remember the heroism found in the American spirit on this day a decade ago. We saw heroism in the firefighters and police officers who bravely entered the Twin Towers never to return to their families again; we saw heroism in the men and women aboard Flight 93 who struck the first counterattack for freedom; and we saw heroism in the families who have continued on without loved ones they never expected to lose forever.

As a nation we came together to confront the evil that attacked us that sunny September morning, but we must remain united and vigilant against the threat that still looms, seeking to destroy us not for what we have done but for who we are as a people.

Today my prayers are with the families of the men and women, police officers and firefighters who lost their lives 10 years ago and those who continue to heal from the wounds of a decade ago. And as we honor this day and the events that changed our country forever, may we remain steadfast in our commitment to defeating those who stand in such defiance of what it means to be an American.

Former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) is currently a Republican candidate for President.

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