I’m back from my short-term blogging hiatus.  It’s good to see that my blogging absence hasn’t impacted traffic since David’s picking up my slack.  I had a great Thanksgiving, I hope you did as well.  I had planned to be back to writing, but it is amazing how little time you have to write when you’re working on back-end stuff for this website.  I’m in process of changing webhosts which has been more labor intensive proposition for Caffeinated Thoughts than it has for my other sites.  Still not done.  The final move may have to wait for the weekend.

Anyway, a lot has happened that I wanted to comment on, but just haven’t had the time.

1. The FAMiLY Leader copied my short list.  While I finally decided on Rick Santorum as my go-to guy for the Iowa Caucus, The FAMiLY Leader narrowed their list to Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum – eliminating Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman, Herman Cain, and Ron Paul.  I’m glad I could have some influence on them (just kidding).  I agree with Jen Green that it was rather strange to put out a press release when they didn’t have a final choice.

2.  The FAMiLY Leader endorsement: Is still forthcoming.  A new “group,” Iowans for Christian Leaders in Government, wrote an open letter to Bob Vander Plaats making the case for why they shouldn’t endorse Newt Gingrich.  We have no idea (well I have some suspicions I won’t blog on) who runs this outfit which makes the group suspect to me.  Stand by what you say, don’t hide behind anonymity.

3.  Two Iowa social conservative groups will not endorse. Iowa Right to Life and Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition will not endorse for the Iowa Caucus.  I think that The Des Moines Register is reading too much into this since I’m pretty sure that Iowa Right to Life and the predecessor for Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition (Iowa Christian Alliance) have never endorsed for the Iowa Caucus.

4.  Herman Cain is delusional.  He believes that his drop in support is due to confusion.  Does he trust the electorate or not?  Whether he wants to admit it or not, the latest allegation is causing people to go hmmmmm….

5.  Drafting Sarah Palin:  It’s no secret that I like Sarah Palin.  I believe she was a capable governor and she would have made a good presidential candidate.  I also believe it is too late for her to run.  She’s already missed filing deadlines in some states.  So why Conservatives 4 Palin decided to run an ad in Sioux City encouraging her to run is beyond me.


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