Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul before CNN-Southern Republican Debate in Charleston, SC

It’s great to see the field whittled down to four.  Rick Santorum who a month ago barely got any time in the debates had some key moments in the CNN Southern Republican Debate held tonight in Charleston, SC.

First was an exchange that Santorum had with Mitt Romney over RomneyCare.

Next Santorum had an exchange with Ron Paul over the issue of abortion.

Santorum is right, this is a federal issue. If a state made murder legal do you not think that they would not intervene? It’s an asinine argument. States actually prosecute murder. Even before Roe V. Wade there were states that allowed abortion in certain exceptions. Either we have an inalienable right to life or we don’t. States should not have the right to take away life without due process… that’s in the Constitution Dr. Paul, check out the 5th and 14th Amendments.  Certainly we need to battle abortion at the state level, but it must be dealt with at the Federal level as well.

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