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RNC Calls for Kathleen Sebelius to Be Fired
RNC Reince Priebus called for Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to be fired after the failed Obamacare exchange website launch.
- Shane Vander Hart
- October 15, 2013
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Blum Introduces Bill Authorizing White House Conference on Small Business
Congressman Rod Blum (R-Iowa) along with Congresswoman Stephanie Murphy (D-Florida) and Al Lawson (D-Florida) introduced a bill authorizing the first White House Conference on Small Business in 20 years.
- Caffeinated Thoughts
- July 19, 2018
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Darling Pelosi (Update: ABC "Records Don’t Agree")
Speaker Pelosi, Nancy, words can not express how I feel right now. …
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President Obama’s Address to Congress (Updated)
I won’t be able to watch live tonight. I had hoped to…
- Shane Vander Hart
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