You’re just not that young….anymore


Your strong legs once propelled you out a C47 plane over France

You’re just not that young….anymore


Your nimble fingers once ran wiring through B17s

You’re just not that young….anymore


Your bronzed arms once let you rappel down from a Huey into a dangerous LZ

You’re just not that young….anymore


Your firm wrists moved pots and pans and fixed many dinners

You’re just not that young….anymore


Your strong legs once threw the championship football pass

You’re just not that young….anymore


Your dark eyelashes once drew the GI’s wild

You’re just not that young….anymore


Your clear blue eyes once spotted the Messerschmidts at 12 o’clock high

You’re just not that young….anymore


Your gentle hands once wiped the tears from a crying tot’s eyes

You’re just not that young….anymore


Your strong shoulders once carried a giggling five year old girl around the house

You’re just not that young….anymore


Your tender breasts once fed new born babies

You’re just not that young….anymore


Your fleet feet once sped down the basketball courts

You’re just not that young….anymore


Your strong ankles once carried you around the office

You’re just not that young….anymore


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