Mothers, fathers, grandparents, businessmen and women, first responders, members of the clergy—their lives were in full motion. And just like that. Ended. With no warning. With no chance to defend themselves. Dead.
As a native New Yorker, then a Pennsylvanian and now an Iowan, I was devastated that day in ways I still cannot articulate. We all were. We stood still. We cried. We wailed. We screamed in utter dismay at the television screen. We hugged our family and friends, tighter and more often.
Just over 4,000 days have passed since 9-11-01.
Almost every single day in those 4,000 days, an estimated 4,000 babies, have lost their lives. In what should be the safest place in the world…their mother’s womb.
Close to 1.5 million lives have ended every single year since that day.
In that time, more than 16 million unborn lives ended before they drew their first breath. Who were they created to be? Surgeons—fathers—mothers—teachers—pastors—bakers—scientists—actors—authors—pilots—librairians—firemen—astronauts? Who? We will never know.
Girls and boys who never got to take their first breath—to live their lives—to dream about who they wanted to grow up to be.
On September 11, 2001, we watched in terror as terrorists took the lives of so many of our countrymen and women—and mercilessly killed them.
Abortion continues to kill millions of our sons, daughters, grandchildren, nieces and nephews.
Where are we? Are we standing still? Are we crying? Wailing? Screaming in utter dismay at the television screen, at images of babies starved, scorched, dismembered?
We as Americans had NO control over the terrorists’ deadly plans that day. In contrast, we DO have control over the relentless slaughter of our future generations.
Get involved. Join us this fall as we pray outside of at least 12 of the more than 20 Iowa Planned Parenthoods.
Smile at the girl at the grocery store. She may be wrestling with a life-ending decision and your welcoming face may be what she needs at that moment.
Speak, with the courage that only comes from telling the truth, to your neighbors, friends, family and strangers regarding the realities of abortion.
STAND with us for LIFE. For a world where every woman confronted with a pregnancy knows she has support. For a world where every baby is welcomed into this world to live…to breath…to dream.