
September 23, 2012 – mark it in your calendar.  This is the first time that a U.S. President has ever called a terrorist attack targeting our nation a “bump in the road.”  Yet that is what he called the attacks on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya and our embassy in Cairo, Egypt.  That is exactly what President Barack Obama said during an interview with 60 Minutes on CBS.

President Obama in the past has referred to our unemployment rate as a “bump in the road,” but I guess that the death of our Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans are bumps too.  It seems like the loss of our ability to gather intelligence in the region is also a bump.

Here is the video of that section of the interview below:


That isn’t even the worst part of the interview.  The worst part is when he called Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu’s, concern over Iran’s nuclear capability “noise.”

Steve Kroft: “You don’t feel any pressure from Prime Minister Netanyahu in the middle of a campaign to try and get you to change your policy and draw a line in the sand? You don’t feel any pressure?”

President Obama: “When it comes to our national security decisions — any pressure that I feel is simply to do what’s right for the American people. And I am going to block out — any noise that’s out there.”

Well it looks like President Obama and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are in agreement that Israeli concerns are “just noise.”

Ignatius: “I want to ask as my first question the one every citizen of the world would like to ask today: What is the chance of a war in Iran that would result from an Israeli attack on your nuclear facilities?”

Ahmadinejad: “I have spoken about this topic at length, previously. We generally speaking do not take very seriously the issue of the Zionists and the possible dangers emanating from them. Of course they would love to find a way for their own salvation by making a lot of noise and to raise stakes in order to save themselves. But I do not believe they will succeed. Iran is also a very well recognized country and her defensive powers are very clear.”

I’m sure President Obama is thrilled with the new common ground he has found with Iran.

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