Chuck Heath, Jr., Sarah Palin’s brother, co-wrote with his dad, Chuck Health, Sr., Our Sarah: Made in Alaska.  I posted a brief review of the book hereOur Sarah will be released next week, and I was asked to help make available his media schedule for Our Sarah’s promotion tour.

Chuck will be visiting with some people most of my readers will know for instance – me – on September 24th.


  • Hannity September 24 at 9 pm ET
  • FOX & Friends September 25 time TBD


September 25

  • Brian Sussman Show- San Francisco at 9:45 am ET
  • Heidi Harris Show- various stations in California at 10:35 am ET
  • Bob Dutko- nationally-syndicated at 1:05 pm ET
  • Sarah Palin Radio on Blog Talk Radio time TBD
  • SarahNet RADIO: The Palin Update time TBD

September 26

  • The Steve Gill Show- nationally-syndicated at 8:33 am ET
  • AM Tampa Bay in Tampa, FL at 9:00 am ET

September 27

  • The Simon Conway Show in Iowa at 6:35 pm ET

September 28

  • Janet Mefferd Show- nationally-syndicated at 2:30 pm ET

September 30

  • The Source with Paul Anderson- nationally-syndicated at 9 pm ET


There will be other interviews on FOX News & Commentary with Todd Starnes and an interview with the Heaths in the Orlando Sentinel.

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