I am becoming more convinced day by day that Leftists live in a parallel world where the things they imagine are reality, and reality itself is simply ignored as if it is someone else’s imagination. A Leftist journalist is a special inhabitant of this parallel world. It’s his or her job to promote the delusion, an important task upon which the survival of the parallel world depends.

Maureen_DowdConsider Maureen Dowd’s latest piece in The New York Times. She’s writing primarily about Hillary Clinton being President Obama’s successor, and giving analysis of the relationship between the two and so on (yawn…). But there is an absolutely stunning remark she makes in this piece. Criticizing the Clintons for what she describes as being “ends-justify-the-means types with flexible boundaries about right and wrong”, she contrasts them with the Obama Administration, who she asserts “runs on the idea that if you are virtuous and true and honorable, people will ultimately come to you. (An ethos that sometimes collides with political success.)”

Let this sink in for a moment: Virtuous, true, and honorable? This administration? The Obama Administration?

Yes, the virtuous and honorable Obama Administration, who told us that Obamacare would cut costs and promised us we’d be able to keep our doctors. The virtuous and honorable Obama Administration, where Jay Carney is employed. Yes, that Jay Carney, whose paid job it is to routinely tell falsehoods to the American people.  The virtuous and honorable Obama Administration, where Eric Holder is Attorney General, and who despite the New Black Panther case, Operation Fast and Furious, being held in Contempt of Congress, and finally lying to congress about his involvement in the Dept. of Justice’s spying on Fox News’ James Rosen, still has a job!

But in Leftist World, the reason the President hasn’t always been successful is because of his administration’s virtuous ethos.

Meanwhile, back here in the real world, some of us are speechless that someone could actually write such a thing. Worse, it appears that journalists like Dowd actually believe the fantasies they write.

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