Until Obamacare enrollees pay their health care plans will not go into effect.  Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius could not say how many of those who have enrolled at Healthcare.gov have actually paid.  Watch the exchange between Sebelius and Congressman Joe Pitts (R-PA) during the House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee Hearing todayl

Pitts: Madame Secretary, based on current trend, it’s likely that more individuals will have lost coverage on January 1 then will have gained it under the law. HHS released data this morning stating that approximately 364,000 Americans have selected a plan for state or federal exchange. Is that correct?

Sebelius: Yes sir.

Pitts: Of these 364,000 Americans, do you know how many of those individuals will actually have coverage in effect on January 1, 2014?

Sebelius: Once they pay their premium, they’ll have coverage in effect.

Pitts:  So, these are the ones who have just selected a plan, but haven’t paid their first payment?

Sebelius: Some may have paid, some may have not. We’re giving you the enrollment numbers.

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