Mark Jacobs

Mark Jacobs claims to be a lifelong Republican, but donations to Democrats keep cropping up.  The Weekly Standard just reported today that not only did Jacobs donate to the late Arlen Specter after he became a Democrat he also donated to Jon Corzine when he ran for Senate.

The same Jon Corzine who became an unmitigated disaster as Governor of New Jersey and was a one-term wonder?  The same Jon Corzine who became the CEO of MF Global who filed for bankruptcy in 2011 with allegations of misusing funds hanging over their head?

Yes and the Jacobs campaign confirmed the donation and gave a response:

The Federal Elections Commission filing can be viewed here. Jacobs’s first name is misspelled as “Marc,” though the Republican’s campaign confirms Jacobs made the donation.

“Mark gave Corzine a contribution when he was CEO of the company which employed Mark,” says Jacobs spokeswoman Alissa Ohl. “Mark gave him no subsequent contributions and remains very disappointed at the Corzine’s performance as a public official.”

There’s a lot that Mark Jacobs tries to explain away due to his being the CEO of Reliant Energy.  Like the Specter donation and prior support of the Cap and Trade bill for instance.  This history should give us pause.  Either Jacobs violated his principles due to his employment circumstances (which makes you wonder how he will vote when under pressure in the Senate) or he never had those principles to begin with.

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