Photo credit: Dave Davidson -
Photo credit: Dave Davidson –

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie broke his silence on Wednesday over the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) that passed last week. Ā It seemed to be a personal defense of Indiana Governor Mike Pence than a statement on religious liberty in general and the freedom of conscience in particular. reports:

Well, we should not have a situation where people perceive that anybody will be denied service. But, I can tell you this, I know Mike Pence, and heā€™s got nothing but love in his heart for people and I just do not believe that in any way Mike Pence would intend for anything that happen in his state on his watch to be discriminatory towards any person,ā€ Christie said in a statement.

ā€œAnd so, my guess is that heā€™ll fix the problem and move on,ā€ Christie said. ā€œBecause thatā€™s the kind of guy he is. I will tell you, amongst the governors, there is nobody that Iā€™ve met amongst the governors who is more sincere in his faith and in his love for people than Mike Pence. So, I just donā€™t believe any of this stuff is true and to the extent that something needs to be fixed to clarify that no one will be denied service for discriminatory reasons, Iā€™m sure thatā€™s exactly what Mike will do.ā€

So I’d like to know is he supportive of this fix? Ā What exactly in the law needed to be fixed? Ā Weak sauce.

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