o-PLANNED-PARENTHOOD-facebookTwo years ago Iowa Right to Life broke the devastating news that Planned Parenthood had covertly moved into the same building as the Young Women’s Resource Center in Des Moines, Iowa.  They billed themselves as “myHealth Express”, a place for the “treatment of colds and the flu.”

We knew at the time they had NO intention of treating anyone’s cold or flu.  Rather, they wanted to get their hands on young girls, some as young as 10, and lure them into sexual activity.  (Read more about their graphic agenda here.)

We just learned that Planned Parenthood will longer house themselves in the same office building as the Young Women’s Resource Center.  This is the 13th clinic that has closed in recent years.

When we first sounded the alarm in 2013 regarding this dangerous location, we knew that we must share this truth as often as we could.  The lives of our young girls were at stake.  We are relieved and grateful to hear this news and share it.  Yet we know our work is far from over.  16 unborn babies in Iowa are still dying every single day at the hands of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland, the largest abortion provider in our great State.

While Iowa Right to Life is pleased to see another one close for good; nine clinics that perform abortions remain.  Also there are four locations that provide abortion referrals.  We will not relent until all human lives, born and unborn, are again fully protected.

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