No excuses: get ready.

Photo credit: Ted Eytan (CC-By-2.0)
Photo credit: Ted Eytan (CC-By-2.0)

That’s the unmistakable message to church-affiliated pro-life ministries in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision re-defining marriage. Same-sex marriage is now a constitutional right, with dissenting churches on the defensive. While the Internal Revenue Service hasn’t had an immediate reaction to the decision, it makes sense to assume that organizations defending one-man-one-woman marriage will come under scrutiny.

How much ministry depends on being exempt from certain taxes? What will happen to the church-related ministries that provide crisis pregnancy assistance? How about hospice and day-away care? Emergency housing?

Agencies can litigate. Lawyers can argue. Board members can cross their fingers and try to wish all this away. In all likelihood, Caesar’s reach will not be denied.

In short, post-exemption planning must start now. Neighbors in need are depending on it.

Read more at Leaven for the Loaf

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