Rand Paul at the Iowa Faith & Freedom event on 4/25/15.Photo credit: Dave Davidson - Prezography.com
Rand Paul at the Iowa Faith & Freedom event on 4/25/15.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com

(Okoboji, IA) U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) yesterday hosted four meet and greets in Council Bluffs, Sioux City, Sioux Center and Okoboji, Iowa. After greeting all attendees, he spoke at length on the importance of protecting the entire Bill of Rights. It was the first day on Paul’s two-day, nine-city sweep through the state.

While in western Iowa, Paul discussed the importance of being boldly for conservative ideals that limit the powers of the federal government, and empower the individual. These ideals include spending only what comes in, lowering taxes, and defending the entire Bill of Rights. He also discussed the usurpation of power exhorted by President Obama and his administration-specifically the EPA.

“I believe the Republican party can win again by emboldening our message, not diluting it. We must stand steadfast in defending the entire Bill or Rights. We must be compassionate conservatives who uplift the individual, and limit the role in which the federal government plays in our everyday lives. I will continue to stand with the people of Iowa to defeat the Washington Machine, and unleash the American Dream,” Paul stated.

“It is very uplifting to travel to places like western Iowa and meet with real patriots who care about restoring the American Dream. They all tell me the same thing: the Washington Machine is completely out of control, and I couldn’t agree more. We currently have an $18 trillion debt, and we borrow $1 million per minute. It is time we defeat the bloated, bureaucratic Washington Machine. The presidency should not be about gaining more powers, but rather returning the power back to the American people. As president, that is exactly what I will do,” Paul added.

He also discussed the usurpation of power exhorted by President Obama and his administration-specifically the EPA.

“The Waters of the U.S. is a prime example of President Obama’s bureaucratic power grab, and it directly affects the people of Okoboji. It is time we defeat the bloated, bureaucratic Washington Machine. The presidency should not be about gaining more powers, but rather returning the power back to the American people. As president, that is exactly what I will do,” Paul said.

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