Ted Cruz at the 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit
Photo credit: David Davidson – Prezography.com
Ted Cruz at the 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit Photo credit: David Davidson - Prezography.com
Ted Cruz at the 2015 Iowa Freedom Summit
Photo credit: David Davidson – Prezography.com

(Des Moines, IA) U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) received the endorsement yesterday of Steve Deace, a conservative, Iowa-based, nationally-syndicated radio host. Deace, who broadcasts from West Des Moines is heard on more than 50 stations nationwide, said on his radio program yesterday that Cruz is the conservative leader who can win a national campaign.

“He’s what we’ve been waiting for: an end to the false choice between our principles and electability,” Deace sad. “He has proven courage of conviction, a commitment to our principles, but he’s also raised the resources and put the sort of national campaign together on the ground that it takes to actually defeat the GOP establishment for the nomination. He is ready to run a national campaign. And we believe this makes him our best chance to offer the American people a real choice and not an echo for a change.”

Deace endorsed former Speaker Newt Gingrich in the 2012 race, and prior to that he endorsed former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee in 2008.  Deace has a greater reach than the previous two cycles being now being nationally syndicated.

“Steve Deace is unwavering in his commitment to conservative principles,” Cruz said in a released statement. “He is a truth-teller, a courageous conservative, and a powerful voice for liberty. I am thrilled to have his support and look forward to him helping us reach millions of Americans.”

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