Dr. Ben Carson at The FAMiLY Leader Celebrate the Family Event - 11/22/14. Photo credit: Dave Davidson (Prezography.com)
Dr. Ben Carson at The FAMiLY Leader Celebrate the Family Event – 11/22/14.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com
Dr. Ben Carson at The FAMiLY Leader Celebrate the Family Event - 11/22/14. Photo credit: Dave Davidson (Prezography.com)
Dr. Ben Carson at The FAMiLY Leader Celebrate the Family Event – 11/22/14.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson – Prezography.com

Ben Carson made an announcement about his campaign, but I’m not entirely sure what it means other than he’s not participating in Thursday’s debate.

Here’s the statement:

I have decided not to attend the Fox News GOP Presidential Debate tomorrow night in Detroit.  Even though I will not be in my hometown of Detroit on Thursday, I remain deeply committed to my home nation, America.  I do not see a political path forward in light of last evening’s Super Tuesday primary results. However, this grassroots movement on behalf of “We the People” will continue. Along with millions of patriots who have supported my campaign for President, I remain committed to Saving America for Future Generations. We must not depart from our goals to restore what God and our Founders intended for this exceptional nation.

I appreciate the support, financial and otherwise, from all corners of America.  Gratefully, my campaign decisions are not constrained by finances; rather by what is in the best interests of the American people.

I will discuss more about the future of this movement during my speech on Friday at CPAC in Washington, D.C.

He didn’t say he suspended his campaign. He said his grassroots movement will continue. I’m not sure if that means his campaign will continue, but he just won’t participate in debates? This is an odd announcement, kind of like the one saying he was going home instead of campaigning after Iowa.

I think, based on last night’s results, that Carson’s pretty much a non-factor at this point, but I don’t want to say he’s out until he does.  For practical purposes though it looks like he is.  Perhaps he’s going to keep the book tour going. We’ll call this a non-suspension suspension until we can figure out a better word for it.

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