
Iowa State Representative Matt Windschitl (R-Missouri Valley), the Speaker Pro Tem of the Iowa House, spoke on the House floor after the House passed a bill that lifted Iowa’s gun suppressor ban. The vote which was mostly a forgone conclusion was on the Senate amended version of a bill passed in the Iowa House earlier this session that Windschitl and others have sought to pass for years.

Windschitl during his speech wanted to give credit where credit was due and thanked the Iowa Firearms Coalition and the National Rifle Association. While he didn’t mention them by name, Windschitl also took time to blast Iowa Gun Owners, a group known for their critiques of bills that fall short of constitutional carry, as well as, the legislators and groups that support those incremental bills.

In the same vein of giving credit where credit is due, the folks of Iowa who are watching this video (Iowa House proceedings are videoed) you need to hear something here today. You need to know there is an organization out there that continues to denigrate those folks who are continuing to fight to advance your second amendment rights. They look at the legislation legalizing suppressors and they call it a watered-down gun bill. Is this the best thing we can do? No. Is it where we are at right now today? Absolutely. Are we fighting on every front to try to advance every possible piece of legislation to enhance and protect your Second Amendment rights? Absolutely.

So when you get those emails that tell you the sky is falling and to send somebody money because they are the only ones who can fix the problem please take it with a grain of salt and look for this nugget of truth that is out there. Folks, don’t be fooled by those scam artists, don’t be fooled by those charlatans. Iowa Firearms Coalition and the National Rifle Association are the ones who have helped get us where we are at today and will continue to fight onward.

Windschitl has called them out by name in the past however. Even though Windschitl didn’t mention their name Iowa Shooters did. They posted the video of Windschitl’s floor speech, identified the group as the Iowa Gun Owners, as well as, showed fundraising letters sent by the group.

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