Donald Trump at the 2015 FAMiLY Leadership Summit in Ames, IA. Photo credit: Dave Davidson (
Donald Trump at 2015 FAMiLY Leadership Summit in Ames, IA.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson (
Donald Trump at the 2015 FAMiLY Leadership Summit in Ames, IA. Photo credit: Dave Davidson (
Donald Trump at 2015 FAMiLY Leadership Summit in Ames, IA.
Photo credit: Dave Davidson (

“Romans 14:22 The faith which you have, have as your own conviction before God. Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves.”

Matthew Tuininga has written a think piece which raises several things that should make Christians hesitate before publicly throwing support behind Trump.  (He does not address voting for him.)

“The primary problem with Trump is not that he’s not conservative or that he’s not evangelical. It’s that he consistently demonstrates contempt for his fellow citizens and for the rule of law itself. He poses demagogically as a strong man…”

He also quotes from a Washington Post article by Michael Gerson:

“Evangelical Christians are not merely choosing a certain political outcome. They are determining their public character — the way they are viewed by others and, ultimately, the way they view themselves. They are identifying with a man who has fed ethnic tension for political gain; who has proposed systemic religious discrimination; who has dramatically undermined the democratic values of civility and tolerance…”

There is always this risk when Christians align with any candidate.  We must ask ourselves if that yard sign will hurt our witness with our neighbors.  I am not saying we can’t be involved with politics, but that we should not create stumbling blocks that have nothing to do with the gospel, and must weigh the cost.

I’ve seen words and behaviors on the right and left that leave a bad taste in my mouth. Making fun of a candidate (or President’s) appearance, using foul language or innuendo, as well as making inappropriate, sweeping statements, ought to be off limits for any Christian.

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