House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) echoed President Barack Obama’s mistaken rhetoric that there are some voters whose clinging to “God, guns and gays” prevents them from voting for Hillary Clinton. She interviewed with Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff on PBS News Hour during the last day of the Democratic National Convention.

Watch below:


Judy Woodruff: I don’t think anyone is closer to the voters in Washington than members of the House of Representatives. You know that place very well. Right now, Donald Trump is doing much better than Hillary Clinton with white men, particularly white men who have not attended college. How does Hillary Clinton counter that?

Nancy Pelosi: With an economic agenda to create jobs, good paying jobs, increasing paychecks, the economic agenda is what it is really… It is about the economy, you know that statement, it is not a cliche, it’s a fact. And I think I think that, so many times, white — non-college-education — educated white males have voted Republican. They voted against their own economic interests because of guns, because of gays, and because of God, the three G’s, God being the woman’s right to choose. That is softening, some of those people are never going to be voting Democratic anyway, but I believe with the turnout that we expect to have we will draw some of them in with our message and enough other people to win the election. 

First, I’ve never accused Nancy Pelosi of being very bright, but if she wants to draw in white, non-college educated, men this is not they way to do it. Second, she makes an assumption that they are voting against their economic interests. How is that? Are they opposed to tax cuts? Also many of these men are going over to Trump precisely because of his economic message. What he is saying is resonating with them. Third, the Democrats economic agenda will only drive up our deficit and debt. Fourth, abortion is not God…. well maybe it is to liberals – an idol at least.

Yes an economic message is important, but people have legitimate concerns about their personal liberty and life. Democrats are wrong on all counts.

Particularly with abortion.

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