I typically try to present a well reasoned, fact-based position.  I’m more analytical, than I am, emotional.  That said, everyone is entitled to a well-deserved rant, right?  This is mine.

Dear Politicians –

I’d like to tell you a little bit about the people you represent because you seem to have completely lost touch with them.

We are the mechanic at your local shop that gives you a smile when you bring in your car, but as we give you that warm smile, we’re worried about paying the utility bill this month.

We are the waitress and single mom at your local diner that you gave a 10% tip to, despite stellar service.  The single mom that’s watching her child become indoctrinated at the local, public school and can’t do anything about it because she can’t afford private school and can’t homeschool, due to the time constraints of being the sole breadwinner.

We are the military veteran, sitting in the back row of his daughter’s dance recital, getting misty-eyed as he thinks to himself “She’s growing up so fast.  But I’m grateful I’m here to see it. My battle buddy came home in a box, and under a flag, and won’t have this experience with his own daughter.”

We are the people that put our trust in you.  We believed your campaign promises to us.  We thought you really were looking out for our best interests and wanted to be a public servant.

Man.  Were we naïve.

You promised us a repeal of Obamacare.  You lied.  You promised us that you’d improve our schools.  You lied.  You promised to defund Planned Parenthood.  You lied.  You promised us you’d improve Veterans Affairs and only threw it an insignificant bone.  You promised us that you would always defend the 2nd Amendment, and proceeded to jump on board with regulating firearm accessories.  You jumped into bed with lobbyists, special interest groups, campaign bundlers, and Nancy Pelosi.

And in the process, you forgot about the mechanic.  The waitress.  The veteran.

Don’t be surprised when we forget about you, next election season.  You have a 90% re-election rate, but only a 15% approval rating.  And the people you forgot about?  We are the people that have the power to flip those numbers to a 15% re-election rate and a 90% approval rating.

We’re angry.  We’re angry with you, you’re lack of honesty, your lack of integrity, and your lack of loyalty to We The People.  And if history has taught us anything, politicians always lose, when their opponent is an angry electorate.  We plan to send you back to the private sector so you can face that mechanic, waitress, and veteran.  We would love nothing more than to watch you squirm when forced to look them in the eye and explain to them why you intentionally voted to throw them under the bus.

Signed –

Angry American

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