It is only midweek, but yet there is a lot to talk about for this episode of the Caffeinated Thoughts Podcast. Our host, Shane Vander Hart, discusses several items of interest:

  • Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-California) called for supporters to harass Trump officials following the harassment of U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials because of President Trump’s immigration policies.
  • White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant because the owner and employees do not like the Trump administration’s policies.
  • Are we on the verge of a “soft civil war”?
  • Big news out of the Supreme Court, Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy will retire after 30 years of service. Plus, the Court releases two big decisions with First Amendment implications and they uphold President Trump’s travel ban.

Shane then talks with Bill Charlier who is the Republican candidate in Iowa House District 32 facing the daunting task of unseating State Representative Ruth Ann Gaines (D-Des Moines).

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